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Thursday 14 January 2010

Indian slays Spaniard - Tarabuco, Bolivia

Sunday 3 January 2010
   In Tarabuco they had a most fantastic statue and I took a photo, so that you could all see it, and now it has mysteriously disappeared from my camera smart disk thingy (which is not seeming so smart now!). So now I will discribe it (which will take less time than uploading the photo would have anyway).
   The statue was big, I think close to 3 metres in height, and coloured (maybe painted) and depicted an Indian standing over the body of a slain Spanaird whilst he held the heart (that had been cut from the Spaniard) up to the sky in a victorious stance. Sure beats a statue of yet another war hero on a horse. I was rather excited to see it.
   Tarabuco, is a market town and I went there as a Sunday excursion from Sucre. These days it is predominently touristy, but like all these places, if you get right out behind the tourist stuff you can find some local people doing local stuff. I did buy an Alpaca sweater (100% acrylic I am sure) $13. And a new money belt $3. I didn´t haggle on the money belt.... I didn´t have the heart too. (My fellow travellers gave me a dirty look, but really in Australia you wouldn´t think twice about a gold coin donation (that´s $1 or $2 for non Australians) to a charity when asked, and these people need the cash.)

The poor armadillos are made into musical instruments!

The locals buying Coca leaves. Coca leaves are an important part of life here. They take away hunger, give you stamina and help with altitude. I tried it, it numbs your mouth.

A back street in Tarabuco.... actually it´s like most the back streets I have seen in rural Bolivia.

Bus to Tarabuco and back $1.50

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